Welcome to V-Care Pharmacy | We care for you!

  Phone : 403-407-5895


V-Care Pharmacy is dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of health-care services, including several vaccines recommended by Alberta Health Services.

What is the influenza (Flu)?

Influenza is an infection of the nose, throat, and lungs that is caused by a virus. The flu is virtually always present in North America between November and April. In a typical year, up to 25% of the population may get affected. Every 2 or 3 years, stronger epidemics occur, infecting twice as many people as during a year where there is no epidemics. The majority of people who catch the flu recover in 1 to 2 weeks, but some people may take longer.

What is the influenza vaccine?

The influenza vaccine protects against the influenza virus.

Travel Vaccines

Are you travelling to another country? Some medicines or vaccines may be recommended for you.

  • Cholera and Dukoral Vaccine
  • Hepatitis A Vaccine
  • Hepatitis B Vaccine
  • Combined Vaccine for Hepatitis A and B
  • Typhoid Vaccine and Vivaxim (Combined Typhoid and Hepatitis A Vaccine)
  • Malaria
  • Yellow Fever and Recommended Immunizations

Our pharmacy team offers flu and travel vaccination.

Please Call us to book an appointment.

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